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Use Case: Digital Voucher Validation

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While organizing the Soccer player of the Year Trophy Awards, the biggest highlight and event of the year, the newspaper decided to innovate and use digital invitation vouchers. Our team at Coupontools helped to create a customized invitation system. The award nominees received an invitation email. With the email they were redirected to their personal space to invite their 20 guests. 

The second step in the system was for each invitee to receive the invitation email from the nominee with the option to either accept the invite or decline to attend the award show. If an invitee accepts the invitation to the award show, they will be asked to provide their personal details. Lastly, the final list of guests received their digital entree ticket for the award show.  

Some of the highlights of this campaign include the ease of the process, the entire system was intuitive and very convenient for the nominees, invitees, and our client, Het Belang van Limburg. Making this experience not just comforting and sophisticated, but also the benchmark for more upcoming events and award shows. Besides, Het Belang van Limburg could easily collect te data of the visitors, the solution they were looking for.

What makes our Het Belang van Limburg digital voucher campaign so amazing?

  • We were able to stamp 1000 guests in just 30 minutes which is faster than scanning QR codes as well as validating manually.  
  • The system works smoothly on any smartphone.
  • The validation of tickets/ invites doesn’t require any software installation.
  • Coupontools designed and developed the complete campaign, from the ticket/ invite creation and working with the email software to the data processing. 

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