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Claim Options

Digital Coupons created with Coupontools
contain the most advanced features on the market.

Claim methods | Coupontools Digital Coupons
Coupontools Digital Coupons, Gamification, Loyalty Cards, and Digital Payment Vouchers Coupontools Digital Coupons, Gamification, Loyalty Cards, and Digital Payment Vouchers Coupontools Digital Coupons, Gamification, Loyalty Cards, and Digital Payment Vouchers Coupontools Digital Coupons, Gamification, Loyalty Cards, and Digital Payment Vouchers Coupontools Digital Coupons, Gamification, Loyalty Cards, and Digital Payment Vouchers
Data capture

Require users to enter personal data to unlock your offer. You can carefully set up which data to ask and which is required. All data is stored and ready for you to use for remarketing and analysis.

Share on Facebook

Obligate users to share your offer on Facebook to unlock the discount Coupon. This is an effortless method to gain exposure for your Digital Coupons.

Install an app

Require users to install an app to unlock the discount. Perfect for generating app installs.

Watch a video

Require users to watch a video to unlock the discount.

Fulfill a payment

Obligate users to fulfill a payment to unlock your Digital Coupon or Voucher.

Custom claim method

Coupontools also provides custom claim methods. E.g. We can redirect the claim page to your software or web page and develop a custom solution.

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